In Australia innocent people by the thousands are being arrested, beaten, kicked in the head, bloodied and held against their will in medical prison camps. In Canada they are now counting all sick leave as a covid case even without a test. In other words if you take a sick day you are a covid number. What if it’s bad indigestion or cramps? Sorry all days off are counted as covid. Thus the shell game continues.
All the other numbers are primed to go only one way too. All the blame will go on the unvaxxed no matter what happens. When someone dies from the ‘vaccine’, if they are less than two weeks out from the shot, they will be counted as an ‘unvaccinated death.’ (If you’re less than two weeks out from the second shot you’re still counted as unvaxxed.)
If you’ve been vaccinated but you missed your booster shot (every 3-6 months depending on what big pharma dictates and how the overlord government enforces by threats to corporations/business owners, you will be deemed unvaccinated again. But watch how much hatred will come from the world toward this new class of undesirables. A recent statement from European member of parliament Andries Kubilius sums it up well: “If you don’t get vaccinated then go prepare your grave.” If that’s not enough here is some more troubling rhetoric. Arunas Valinskas, a former member of Lithuanian parliament and current TV personality recently wrote an article stating: “There is an all out war with the enemy that has swept over us. The enemy is invisible, but that only makes it more dangerous. In times of war, such people were shot. But there will be no need to shoot the anti-vaxxed, I hope, they will die out on their own.”