Remember that Harvard study that says VAERS only catches 1%-10%? There was another more recent study done by Mass General Brigham (MGB), reported by the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA 3/8/21), that states “severe reactions consistent with anaphylaxis occurred at a rate of 2.47 per 10,000 vaccinations.” That is 247 people per million. What does this tell us? For one, the CDC’s numbers are off by an amount consistent with that Harvard study.
The CDC maintains that anaphylaxis only occurs in 2-5 people per million. The CDC reports 2-5 per million but JAMA reports 247 per million. So the CDC is under reporting the actual number by a factor of 50 to 120 times! Could you imagine if we applied that same error rate to the other CDC numbers, especially those on the VAERS site?
The MGB study concludes, “the rate of reporting [of Covid-19 vaccine anaphylaxis adverse reactions] still appears to be only around 0.8 to 2 percent of all cases of anaphylaxis.” So the 2009 Harvard study rates of under reporting has been confirmed as recently as this year.
By the way, the VAERS system reports 778,683 total negative reactions to this vaccine. If that’s 10% of the actual number then let’s add one zero. Have there been almost 8 million (7,786,830) bad reactions to these shots?
If we did the same math, and assumed that the 778,683 negative reactions only represented 1%, by adding two zeros, does that mean there have been up to 75 million (77,868,300) adverse reactions? God forbid.
There have been at least 2,415 miscarriages. Could that be as high as 241,500? Have the vaccines caused up to 1/4 million miscarriages? Feasibly.
7,868 heart attacks. Does that mean the actual number of heart attacks is between 78,680 and 786,800? Highly likely.
Permanently disabled - 23,712.
Do the math. If that number represents 10% then there have been around 237,120 -expletive permanently disabled by this jab. If that number only represents 1%, then has the vaccine has permanently disabled 2,371,200? Millions of permanently disabled people will mean ongoing business the pharmaceutical industry.
The MGB study cited earlier showed that VAERS is only catching 0.8% - 2% of the actual anaphylaxis numbers. VAERS reports 7,141 anaphylaxis side effects. If that’s only between 0.8% - 2% then realistically there have been 1/3 - 2/3 of a million people who had anaphylaxis after getting the shot.
By the way since my first draft and this edit I have had to update the numbers since they are rising so quickly.