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‘Pastor’s perspective’ or ‘shepherd’s view’ it’s the same thing. Shepherd’s View is what we called the radio program we started on KLHT Sunday nights. Pastor’s Perspective is my admittedly boring title for this newsletter. It is basically what this pastor thinks of all that’s going on in this world. It's my unsolicited public consultation about the days we live it. I hope you find some value in it. Some pastors don’t seem to have any perspective at all. Ironically, so many pastors have been mute about the insane covid madness all around us. The ship is sinking, but they won’t talk about the iceberg. Death rates are rising worldwide due to blood clots, embolisms, strokes, and heart attacks, but none will speak about it. None dare say what it is; a ‘vaccine’ induced culling. One pastor I recently heard likened salvation to homemade ice cream and the abundant life to the addition of strawberries on top. He also made some football references but not a peep about the despotism that is globally confiscating human freedom. If pastors don’t speak, then who will, but that is a horse I’ve already beaten. |
Have you had a conversation with a vaccine zealot? You might as well be speaking a different language. Their brains don’t work. They have no logic at all. Think about it. Since these vaccines don’t work, everybody should take them. How is that reasonable? Since the shots cause a myriad of deadly and debilitating side effects but do not prevent infection or transmission, their reasoning goes, then everyone should get them, even babies. How is that even sane? I think there’s something like that under the definition of a sociopath. Every country or state that has achieved high vaccination rates has seen a bloom of infections and deaths exactly corresponding to the shots. Why should that stop them? The first two jabs didn’t work. The third won’t either. Why not mandate a fourth and fifth death jab? And do it while simultaneously demonizing those who reasonably say, ‘no, this is insane.’ If you can’t recognize a death cult when you see it, then please open your eyes. It’s time to awaken out of sleep. I met some folks at the local hot springs. Zim’s is a great little place to get warm and relax in the warm to hot pools outside, even when it’s snowing. I met some neighbors there recently and began to chat with them. Soon the subject turned toward the injustice done in places like Australia and to our people in Hawaii. I like to steer conversations in that direction because it encourages those sane people who feel alone and ostracized while making others, the deluded, feel uncomfortable. Maybe it will jostle them out of their stupor. I spoke of the side effects and tyranny surrounding the vax rollout and the dangers of the jab. They got uncomfortable. The husband and son -a sheepish 20 something year old- got out of the water. The woman stayed to stand her shaky ground. She’s anxious to get her third shot, and nothing can change her mind. I gave a kind warning, “be careful; it could kill you.” She made some veiled allusion to conspiracy theories. I don’t mind. I know it is her conditioning and programming. She’s told by CNN to dismiss any questions about the prevailing narrative. The programming that she watches tells her that those kinds of people are crazed loons. I don’t bow to the covid cult, therefore making me, in her mind, into conspiracies. Oh, the pitiful irony of self-deceit. People don’t think as much as they repeat talking points crafted for them by the media. So I continue saying, “Covid is Communism disguised as the flu.” She didn’t like that phrase (that’s why I used it) and muttered something or other about Qanon incoherently. |
I often tell people concerned about conspiracies that my wife and I often conspire about what’s for dinner. We decide something that the kids don’t know about. That’s what ‘conspire’ means: to breathe together and have a plan that others don’t know about. Sure, dinner plans are innocuous but don’t you think government leaders are making plans and arrangements without the public’s knowledge or input? Without a doubt. What do you think the World Economic Forum (WEC) and the Gates Foundation did when they held numerous pandemic rehearsals in the past decade? Conspiring. Planning for what they are now executing on a global scale is, by definition, conspiring. Covid itself is the biggest conspiracy on planet earth. It has been openly planned and spoken of for years. But they always accuse you of the very crimes they are committing. Who believes the conspiracy theories about the so-called conspiracy theorists anyway? I imagine the Spider-Man meme where all the co-conspirators point the finger at each other. |
Remember that plot they uncovered to kidnap Governor Whitmer in Michigan? They arrested some militia guys caught up in it but did you know that of the 18 involved, 12 were working for the FBI? The Babylon Bee has a great sketch lampooning it. |
Talk about conspiracy, but still, patriots who wandered into the capitol on Jan 6 are being starved in isolation as political prisoners by our current regime. This is the regime foisting the “anti-vaxxers are conspiracy theorists” fable through our demonic media. Who is the world believes their garbage anymore? Well, this angry lady did. She just alluded to me as a conspiracy guy. I guess it’s easier to label people than to actually think and reason. I ignored her veiled and dismissive insult. “If five-year-olds don’t need it and it causes heart problems, why make children get this dangerous vaccine?” I asked. She replied without missing a beat, “That’s so they don’t get it and give it to us.” She was unaware of the heartless and cruel irony she was embracing. Throwing the kids under the bus is the standard conclusion of leftists. When you see the myocarditis and pericarditis and embolisms and clots this jab is causing but still want children to take it, you’re a nazi. Maybe you’re something worse. In history, if we survive it, Hitler’s holocaust will be considered mild once the dust settles on the current depopulation program they are running. These shots will be responsible for killing and maiming billions of people. Those promoting this vaccine narrative are either grossly (and often willingly) ignorant or simply the purest of evil. This includes our local state leaders. Is that off-limits now, rhetoric? Is my clarity of speech offensive? What else do you call people who’d sacrifice children on the vaccine altar for their own peace of mind? A whole generation of young people is being damaged and wounded and sterilized while these gleefully ignorant criminals cheer it on. As we sat in the steaming waters of Zim’s hot springs, this woman grew angrier with me as I stated that Fauci had lied to the public. If you ever want to wrap things up with one of these people, just denigrate their religious icons. People hate it when you tear down their idols. They feel persecuted when you dismantle their heresies and heretics. That was the last straw for her. “I came here to chill out,” she said as she slithered off into the steam with a trail of shedded spike proteins in her wake. “Fine,” I thought, “get the next shot and see what happens.” I felt bad about that private cruelty I had, but it faded as quickly as the rising vapors around me. |
In this world, things are changing. Harsh words are prohibited for truth speakers nowadays, especially if you’re a parent upset about racism and pornography being taught in schools. But if you’re the covid Gestapo creating a ‘yellow star’ class of people, it’s no problem. The prime minister of New Zealand was asked if she was trying to create two classes of people wherein the vaccinated have rights, and the unvaxxed have no rights. She responded, “That is what it is. Yep, yep.” Why hasn’t she been arrested? Because truth falls in the streets while lies vaunt themselves in the world. Other politicians are even more brazen, saying the unvaxxed should simply die. Preparations are being made for the unjabbed to be taken to internment camps in many countries, including our states. In England, large facilities are being built with crematoria adjacent for the processing of bodies. Funding is being procured for the efficient disposal of a planned excess of deaths. Where did we see that happen before? FEMA already has zones and facilities set up to receive the ‘non-compliant’ covid prisoners in the states. The CDC calls them ‘green zones’ and is adopting a ‘shielding approach.’ I suppose I could dig up and cite all these articles, but there are so many it behooves you, the reader, to do your homework. Sadly this is challenging work when google and seemingly every other search engine only wants to serve you with biased and political search algorithms. |
I browse news through sites like revolver.news or whatfinger.com to check the headlines. Aggregator news sites like these are just enough to stay updated but not inundated with news. It’s hard though, not to be inundated with the atrocities happening around us every day. ‘Ignorance is bliss,’ but it’s still ignorance. Knowledge is power though, and the pen is mightier than the sword. I’ve been censored numerous times by social media. I stopped making videos since they’d get pulled offline by YouTube and Facebook. They were fun and a lot of work, but I decided to focus on these written updates. They seem to be popular, and I pray they continue to bless and educate. I am truly sorry they aren’t more lighthearted and uplifting. I try, but we are in a war, and the enemy is not funny. Truthfully though, I am filled with zeal and hope. I trust the Lord and share His laughing perspective from heaven (see Psalm 2). I see His armies of pure and holy people being refined and prepared to receive the kingdom that He is bringing. The faith and passion of the believers under my spiritual care have grown beyond my hopes. The scope of my reach through these updates is broadening as well. I am grateful and zealous for more. My life, though, is filled with joy as I am generally consumed with the good work of God in His people. I see it in the heroic zeal of our beautiful soldiers in Hawaii and the fervent expectation of those I’ve met in Idaho. Truly, the heavy tenor of my newsletters does not reflect the joy of my daily living. My family and I are truly thriving. I am filled with delight even in the midst of the world’s darkness. I pray you will share these updates with your friends. Please encourage them to subscribe. Our old email marketing service, Mailchimp, has already banned us for sending out an unapproved perspective. Did you hear about that? We sent out emails through MailChimp, but they scanned our private emails, disapproved our content, and suspended our service. Consider the ominous threat to freedom such corporate censorship constitutes. Thank God we saved our contact list and can continue to send out content through a new service. Still, it shows how crucial you are in the effort to get the truth out there. Stay vigilant. Love God. Pray fervently. Rejoice greatly. Your King is coming soon. |
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