The height of hypocrisy is claiming that healthcare is a human right while saying the unvaccinated should be denied healthcare. Does that seem right? What about medical front-liners who were heroes for braving covid but are villains for rejecting the vaccine? Haven’t these nurses and doctors earned the right, by virtue of their experience, to make medical decisions for themselves and not be punished for it?
People are broadly being punished and discriminated against for their vax status, and nobody seems to mind.
The vaccine issue is pretty simple. You either believe the government should have the authority to inject you and your children, or you don’t. A government with that sort of control is medical tyranny. If that tyranny remains in Hawaii, it will be the end of freedom and the end of aloha.
Sadly this was the ‘new normal’ that was foisted upon us from the beginning. As with a script, the bobbleheads news hacks and empty political heads all read the same lines a year and a half ago; “get used to the new normal.”
Under communism, the government silences political opposition. But in America, the government asks big tech and social media companies to do that. Facebook is deeply involved in elections. They should not be considered a private company when they accept federal subsidies, partner with federal agencies, provide surveillance to the FBI and get policy directions from the White House. Didn’t we see how Mark Zuckerberg’s 419 million dollars influenced the 2020 election?
Thomas Paine once said that ‘the greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes.’ This is especially true if the culture they are trying to subdue is addicted to pseudo virtues and trendy causes. Such a society is dry tinder for shrewd despots.
Another founder, Benjamin Rush, in an almost prophetic way, stated: “Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privileges to others.” This is proving true as you read this.
Freedom restricted to those who comply is not freedom. Freedom is not an award for good behavior. That is how the prison system works. Freedom is not when the rights, which the government has stolen, are given back to you incrementally. Should you thank a robber for giving you money from the wallet, he stole from you? Is freedom a prize for participating in unending injections? That is human slavery and prostitution. No wonder the Bible portrays the final world system as a prostitute.
I feel like I’m living the longest and saddest “I told you so” in my lifetime. Sadly, many people's attention span is so short that they can’t remember the last lie they were told…and believed. They don’t remember how many lies they’ve been told…and believed. If you told them and even showed them the truth, they still wouldn’t believe you, especially after they’ve taken the shot. Nobody wants to admit they were wrong.
No matter how many people die, they won’t believe. Death rates are rising globally. Hospitals are now filling, not with covid patients but with adverse reactions to the vaccine. They won’t believe even if they are hit with side effects. Why? Because they’d have to admit they were wrong, and they’d rather die than admit that, perhaps literally. I know of a pastor who got the jab and now has ongoing shooting arm pains, but he won’t admit he was wrong. People will not believe the truth if it doesn’t confirm their bias. Trust me, I’ve tried. I feel like I’m a snooze button that's been hit too many times. Now it’s high noon, but the masses are asleep in the light.