Here in paradise, we couldn’t ever see such heavy-handed tactics. Never. Communism only comes to bleak places, right?
One would hope, but it’s not the case. Hawaii’s leaders are kin to the global terrorists holding the world hostage.
Even now, as I type, tennis star Novak Djokovic is being held against his will by Australian authorities for no reason. It couldn’t happen in Hawaii, right? Canadian police recently arrested Pastor Artur Pawlowski for the 3rd time. Never in Hawaii, though, right?
Recently a woman in my dad’s congregation was arrested on The Bus here in Hawaii for not wearing a mask. She was held against her will for 20 hours. Then she was suddenly released and told to go on her way. They explained that she wasn’t actually arrested, and there is no paperwork on the incident. This is pure Communism, and it lives in our backyard.
Sadly, most people are too obtuse to even understand the evils that Communism has brought on humanity. It’s mistaken as a failed political ideology instead of what it really is, a cold-hearted killer. We could only wish it remained its bumbling juvenile incarnation, but sadly, it hits puberty and suddenly thirsts for blood.
How about this ‘official’ ad from our health department that disparages ‘eating healthier’ and ‘regular exercise’ in favor of getting children vaccinated? What kind of dystopian rubbish is our government propagating? They have become the enemy of humanity.